Check the Marketplace for Pre-Built Templates

Before building a new Neuron, explore the Marketplace to see if there are pre-built templates that match your requirements. Templates can save you time and effort by providing ready-made solutions that you can easily adjust to fit your needs.

Reuse Axons Whenever Possible

Always check whether an existing Axon or Neuron can be reused in your new workflow. This can save you time and keep your automation consistent across similar tasks. Reusing Axons also prevents you from starting from scratch every time, making your workflow more efficient.

Keep Axon Connection Rules in Mind

When building your Neurons, make sure to follow the Axon connection rules:

Input Axons connect to Processor Axons.

Processor Axons can connect to other Processors or Transformer Axons.

Transformer Axons connect to Output Axons.

Following these rules ensures your Neuron runs smoothly without errors.

Use Descriptive and Unique Names

When naming your Neurons, Axons, databases, and agents, use names that are descriptive and unique. This helps you easily identify components when reviewing workflows, troubleshooting, or working in the Neuron Explorer. Clear names make managing multiple workflows simpler.

Disable the Knowledge Base When Not Needed

If you don’t need data to be stored in the Knowledge Base, consider disabling it for certain Neurons. This keeps the Knowledge Base clean and free from unnecessary data, helping you stay organized.

Check the Neuron Explorer Regularly

Keep an eye on the Neuron Explorer to monitor the progress of your workflows. Regularly checking the Explorer ensures you can catch any failed Neurons early and keep things running smoothly.

Share Useful Templates with Others

If you create a Neuron or workflow that could be helpful to others, consider sharing it. You can add it to the Marketplace or share it within your organization, contributing to collaboration and helping others benefit from your work.

Start with the End in Mind

When building a Neuron, always start by defining the end goal. Knowing the desired output will help you structure the workflow correctly from the beginning, ensuring everything aligns with your objective.

Keep it Simple

Try to keep your Neurons as simple as possible. Use only the Axons you need to achieve your goal. Simplicity improves performance and makes troubleshooting easier.

Use Manual Review When Necessary